Last Saturday morning, a Malaysian disabled man has been praised for his kindness when he left his wheelchair in order to rescue a small kitten that was stuck in a storm drain – with no possibility of escape.
An act of kindness was captured in a video when a disabled man got out of his wheelchair in order to shuffle down a grass embankment in order to rescue a small kitten that was caught in a storm drain.
30-year-old Abu Fathiyyaturahma Menk Abdun Mujtahid is a paralympic athlete. He and his disabled friend were on their way to the nearby Kota Kinabalu Sports Complex when they spotted a kitten stuck in a drain, struggling to hold onto the concrete barriers.
Although Abu is unable to use his legs and the odds are stacked against both of them, he didn’t hesitate to get out of the wheelchair to help the stranded cat. Abu carefully reached his arm down, picked up the kitten away from danger and moved it to safer place. The kitten appeared to be fine, so she happily left him and went about her business as soon as Abu set it down on the grass.