It always hurts when we’re let down by someone we love.
Naturally, then, that hurt is amplified when we’re children let down by our parents. Oftentimes we don’t understand the whole picture as kids, and this inevitable sense of confusion only adds to our disappointment.
Moreover, the pain that comes with being let down by a figure who you thought would always be there for you is something that lasts for years. In some cases, it can remain, buried deep down, for the entirety of one’s life.

7-year-old Skylar was desperate for her father to take her to her school’s annual daddy-daughter dance. The year previous, he had failed to show, leaving Skylar upset and unsure as to why she wouldn’t be able to attend when all of her friends were.
Sadly, he pulled the same stunt again this time around, letting his daughter down for an event she was so excited for.
Skylar’s mom, Trelysia Hamerter, told TODAY: “This year she comes to me ahead of time and says, ‘Mommy, I want my dad to come with me to the dance.
“I don’t want grandpa. I want my dad. I want everyone to know I have a dad.’”
Knowing how much it meant to her baby girl, Trelysia reached out to her ex and asked him if he would go with Skylar to the daddy-daughter dance.