A Man surprises wife of 25 years with a proposal because the first wasn’t romantic

A doting husband flew all the way across the country to surprise his wife of 25 years with a proposal – because he felt like she didn’t get a romantic one the first time around.

Katie Prentiss, from Portland,Oregon, headed to New York City with her 17-year-old daughter, Abi, for what she thought would be a special mother-daughter trip.

But the mom-of-four was shocked to discover that her husband of more than two decades, Brian, had secretly flown to the Big Apple too – so that he could surprise her with a romantic gesture that has now captured the hearts of millions of people around the world.

Katie and Abi were strolling through Central Park when her hubby suddenly came up behind her. And then, he dropped to his knee and pulled out a ring.

Brian, who has already been married to Katie for 25 years, said he wanted to do something special for his ‘amazing and wonderful’ wife, since he felt like she didn’t get what she deserved when they first got engaged all those years ago.

Katie’s daughter captured the heartwarming moment and she uploaded it to TikTok, where it was watched more than five million times.

In the clip, Katie seems to think she is posing for a picture on a footbridge in Central Park.

She is oblivious to Brian walking up behind her, and Abi gets her to turn around.

Stunned, Katie asks: ‘What are you doing? Why are you here? I’m so confused.’

Brian launches right into his romantic gesture, bending down on one knee and telling her: ‘You didn’t get a romantic proposal the first time around. So I thought I’d try again by flying somewhere far and surprising you

‘Are you surprised?’ he asks, as she becomes overwhelmed by emotion and chokes back sobs.

‘You are one of the most amazing, fearless, beautiful, wonderful people I have ever met,’ he continues.

‘After 25 years, I would love to spend the rest of my life with you again. I would love to marry you again. You can make me happy forever.’

Brian then puts the ring on her finger before they both embrace in a big hug and sweet kiss, as onlookers stop to clap for the pair.

Everyone was in tears – including Abi, who could be heard sniffling as she cheered for her parents.

‘My daughter and husband have had this planned for months. How is this my life?!’ Katie captioned the now-viral clip.

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