A 61-year-old known as the world’s most pierced man has revealed he still has great sex – despite having 278 piercings on his penis.
Rolf Buchholz holds a Guinness World Record for having a total of 453 metal piercings all over his body.
The German, from Dortmund, also sports numerous tattoos, including on his eyeballs and even has horn implants on his head.
He only had his first piercing at the age of 40, but now has studs all over his body – including his genitals.
And despite the amount he’s got on his penis, the world record holder insists he still has a normal sex life.
He said: “It’s not a problem at all. If there was a problem, I would have got rid of them already long ago.”

While Rolf has no worries in the bedroom department, it’s a different matter when it comes to airport security.
He’s had problems when travelling as metal detectors often beep and he gets starred at by people who aren’t used to his look.
Once Rolf was denied entry to the UAE when he travelled to Dubai after authorities feared he practiced “black magic”.
He said: “Those who escorted me back to the plane said it was because of the way I looked and it was because I am black magic.”