Mum Slammed For Calling Her Hairy Newborn A ‘Little Monkey’

Britney Budhi, 29, from Bondi in Sydney’s affluent eastern suburbs said she was slammed on TikTok for calling her girl, Teyana, a ‘little monkey’. The mum, who is of Indonesian-Italian background and her partner who is Burmese-Pakistani told FEMAIL she understands the negative connotations behind calling someone after the primate.

But says in this case there was no negativity at all, the term was one of endearment and love for her now five-month-old daughter.

She said: ‘At the end of the day it is my social media and my baby.’

Teyana was born at 37 weeks via C-section, weighing just 2.2 kilograms. Her mother explained when babies are born so small they often have the hair covering their bodies ‘to keep them warm’. she said: ‘All babies have it in utero, and it isn’t uncommon for early babies to still have it, especially if they are tiny.’ Teyana was born early because her mother’s slight frame couldn’t support her rapid growth to full-term. ‘Because I am naturally small there wasn’t enough room for her to grow properly, doctors said she would thrive better on the outside.’

She was kept in NICU for two weeks, quickly growing and putting on weight, before her parents could take her home. And the hairy coating, which accompanied by her nickname ‘little monkey’ caused a sensation online remained for about two months. ‘It started to fall out as she put on weight – but still had on her shoulders and stuff – now she has leg hair which is really cute.’

Despite the negative comments, some even jokingly telling the mum to shave her baby, Britney said she got a lot of positive reactions too. She said: ‘Lots of people messaged to say they were also born with hair and their parents called them their little monkey too.’

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