“I shouted to my husband, who was in the car, waiting for us to get in: ‘Love, come here, run!’ My biggest fear was that he wouldn’t witness the moment our son was born. He stayed behind me, holding me, while I pushed and Amanda held the baby. Roberta was close by too, but she […]
It is a mother’s greatest fear to have to watch the very same child she gave life to have their life be taken away by illness, and not be able to do anything about it. Statistics from the American Cancer Society (ACS) suggest men have a 40.14 percent chance of getting the disease, while women’s […]
A Tennessee university music professor hid a cash prize on campus to see if his students fully read the class syllabus – only to find the crisp $50 bill he had placed in a locker still there at the end of the semester. Kenyon Wilson, the associate head of performing arts at Tennessee at Chattanooga, decided to hide […]