The Dad of 12-day-old baby mauled to death by his Chow-Chow pleads guilty owning dangerous pet

A father whose newborn son was mauled to death by the family pet has admitted being the owner of a dangerously out-of-control dog.

Elon Ellis-Joynes was 12 days old when he was fatally bitten by a Chow-Chow-cross called Teddy at his home in Doncaster in September last year.

Abigail Ellis, 28, and Steven Joynes, 36, of Woodlands, Doncaster, were both charged following the incident.

On Thursday, Joynes pleaded guilty at Sheffield Crown Court to a charge of being the owner of a dog which caused death when dangerously out of control.

Ellis, who also appeared in court on Thursday, denied the same charge at a previous hearing and is due to go on trial on July 11.

The pair were both released on unconditional bail until the next hearing in 2022, and the court also heard that the dog had since been destroyed.

At an inquest opening into Elon’s death, held last year, the court heard he was still alive when his heartbroken mother frantically called an ambulance.

She told the 999-call handler that her son was breathing, but was ‘really poorly’ and was ‘bleeding from his leg or his stomach’.

Tragic Elon, who was born on September 1, 2020, was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead a short time later

David Copley, coroner’s officer, told the court: ‘At 15.04 on Sunday, September 13, a call was made to South Yorkshire Ambulance by Abigail Ellis.

‘She stated that her son, Elon, was breathing, but was really poorly.

‘He was bleeding from his leg or his tummy, she thought that one of the dogs had bitten Elon.

‘She had been on the toilet and her partner Stephen was outside with another child and came running in.

‘Officers attended and Stephen Joynes identified Elon to police officers.’

No family members were present during the brief hearing and senior coroner Nicola Mundy released Elon’s body so that a funeral can take place.

She said: ‘I want to release Elon for the purposes of a funeral to proceed.

‘I am aware that there is an ongoing investigation and I adjourn this inquest until matters are investigated.’

Judge Jeremy Richardson QC said another hearing will take place on February 11 when further decisions about the case will be made.

Judge Richardson bailed both defendants but told Joynes: ‘All sentencing options, including being sent to prison, remain open. The mere fact you’re on bail reveals nothing.’

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