Do you know the saying, ‘Here goes nothing.’ Well, here goes EVERYTHING…for the past 6 months we have privately been accepting that the life we had planned for our sweet Baby G may not be what WE planned.
6 months ago, we unexpectedly delivered the most perfectly imperfect baby boy. Little did we know what God had in store for us. At 20 weeks pregnant, we did the genetic testing for our unborn child – even though we didn’t want to find out the gender. The test results came back negative.

As Sean and I were in the hospital delivering our sweet Baby G, we were so excited to find out what gender baby we were having. We both deep down wished for a boy, but regardless girl or boy we just wanted a healthy baby.
When the doctor told Sean to tell me what gender our baby was, I’ll never forget that moment. ‘It’s a boy Sonny!’ The doctor placed our sweet Baby G on my chest and tears of joy were falling. PURE HAPPINESS. The best feeling of my life, but instantly, I knew.

Our beautiful baby’s day of birth continued! We named him Cru Ledger. We have had this name picked out for years! We were on cloud 9. Our families came by to visit. It felt so surreal. I felt like the luckiest person on the planet, even though I knew.